The field of the web is constantly evolving: new technologies, diversified media, evolving standards … It’s hard to know if our site is still up to date or if a reconstruction is necessary. How do you know when to redo your website? There are many signs of the need for a redesign, here are five.
If there are major changes in your business, whether strategic, communicational, graphic or otherwise, these changes must also apply to your website. A mismatch between your identity and your website will confuse your customers and hurt your image and business goals.
Your site is your showcase on the internet, it must be representative of your company and adapt to all its evolutions, often synonymous with redesign.
In 2023 in France, 64.97% of web traffic comes from mobile devices, 32.86% from computers and 2.16% from tablets (source: SimilarWeb , 2023). It is therefore essential that your website is usable and navigable on all these media.
If your design does not adapt to tablet and smartphone formats, you miss out on a large audience and potential customers.
If your site has an outdated design compared to current trends, it gives an old look that can harm the credibility of your company. Visitors often attach importance to the aesthetics of a site, and this impacts the duration of their visit.
The visual aspect of your site should be appealing to the visitor. It should make them want to stay on the site, browse and return. If not, a visual overhaul is required.
Your site was designed a few years ago and there have been few or no updates since… it is possible that the languages and technologies with which your site was developed have become obsolete.
The use of outdated technologies opens the door to security breaches and attacks, negatively impacts SEO (robots take into account site performance) and makes the management of your site complicated.
The constant evolution of the domain requires to regularly update the site and its components, if this is not the case, there comes a time when any maintenance attempt is doomed to failure. There is only one solution: rebuild.
One of the main reasons to own a website is to be present and visible on the internet. So if you have to go through several results before finding yourself or if you are placed behind your competitors in the search results, the goal is anything but achieved.
To remedy this, in-depth content work is necessary: reorganisation of the tree structure, use of keywords, more relevant content…
Beyond SEO (Search Engine Optimization), other factors are taken into account by Google robots to index and rank: performance, accessibility and best practices. This means having structured and optimized code, light and good quality media, …
It is often difficult to modify the existing site to make these changes, a complete reconstruction is necessary.
A redesign of your website is necessary when it is no longer in the image of your company, it lacks visibility, its use is problematic, it is no longer adapted to your target in its form as in its content.
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