When 4 companies buy out their parent company with their employees and change the name in the process, there is bound to be a revolution in brand image.
Testing and testing.
Because you have to look to find! The identity of this group of companies specialising in geosciences and structures inspired us. "Gé" (earth in ancient Greek) is also the first letter of Gengis. What a boon for our artistic director!
The logo is based on a stylised "G" whose dynamic, flowing curves represent the energy of change and projection into the future.
The lines of force wind in a spiral, symbolising the synergy of the entities that come together and combine to form the Gengis Group.
The blue and green gradient evokes the environment, which is at the heart of the Gengis Group's challenges.
The modern, round typography complements the logo harmoniously. The openings in some of the letters give singularity to the whole and echo the sign.
It lays down the rules for the visual communication of the Group and its entities, imposing coherence by using forms, colours and media in a logical and aesthetic way. The aim is to give everyone common rules, while allowing each entity to exist in its own unique way.
Each entity has its own colour, in a harmonious range of vegetation, water and land. Translucent and coloured discs are superimposed like layers of sediment, and serve as a basis for the creation of documents.
We have created a dozen themes tailored to the corporate needs of the Group and the operational needs of sales representatives and engineers.
The Linkedin pro page covers are based on the graphic charter. High-impact posts are graphically designed and branded to raise awareness and develop the employer brand.
Resemblance and dissimilarity.
Belonging to a group and existing in its own right. That's the challenge of the group/entity graphic charter.
A highly graphic sign like Genghis can be used to create superb markings on volumes!
To help employees adopt the new visual identity, there's nothing better than an everyday object bearing the brand.
The Group's...
This website showcases the Group's brand, develops the employer brand and helps to recruit employees. We have created the "gengisphere", a section on their lifestyle at work to encourage them to "be one too". The link to the company websites is easy to navigate, from the side menu, via the inside pages or from the footer.
Finding the right way to model the pages of this 2nd site so that it was compatible with the diversity of content of each company was a complicated task. We had to adapt, negotiate... and sometimes dare to say no to ensure consistency in spite of everything. So, once again, when the chairman of the group congratulates us after so many hours of work, we take it in and savour it... Then it's off to new adventures!